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Do I need to make a Will?

Although it is not an easy topic to discuss, the answer is “yes”. If you die with no valid Will, in England or Wales the law will decide who gets what.

If you want to be sure your loved ones benefit from your Estate after you die, you need to make a Will. Un-married, including same sex, couples who are not in a civil partnership have no right to inherit if no Will is in place.

Before you get in touch here are a few things to consider:-

1. What should happen to your Estate when you die? 2. Who do I choose to act as my Executor(s)? 3. Am I happy for my Estate to be dealt with in a straightforward way or would I perhaps want to use a Trust either for asset protection (e.g. the potential risk of nursing home fees) or for Inheritance Tax planning purposes? 4. Do any steps need to be taken to safeguard the interests of any potentially vulnerable dependents or underage beneficiaries? 5. How can you protect yourself if your circumstances change?

After you have made your Will it will be stored free of charge at Bradford & Son so you just need to ensure that your Executor(s) are aware that your Will is with us.

If you are in any doubt about what to do please do not hesitate to either give us a call on 01709 377412 or by email on Our friendly staff will explain all you need to know and guide you through the process in a manner which you understand.


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